Christian Adventure Ministry



Spiritual Ministries 

This is why we exist. God has brought us here to Uganda to draw people unto Him, and to inspire them to trust in His Spirit in their lives. We have many avenues to show God's love to people, and in the process, let them see the answer to their brokenness, their emptiness, their poverty and their discouragement.

One of our favorite ways to share God's story with people is through Chronological Bible Storying. We teach our discipleship leaders a series of Bible stories, pointing them towards the redemption that God provides to us all, the forgiveness and acceptance that He has for each of us as well as the victory that we can have over this world of pain and injustice. The discipleship leaders teach the stories, together with a song or role play for each story, which makes it so fun!

Chronological Bible Story Cloth: 



We really need your prayers. That is how we survive here in ministry in Uganda. Life is tough. Sometimes we are discouraged, afraid, sad, or anxious. God can give us the victory through your prayers. Please remember us.  Here are some of our current Prayer Needs

If you would like to read or receive our Prayer Letters, CLICK HERE.


Spiritual Minsitries


We go Hut to Hut. We love Heart to Heart. We sit with those who are sick, pray for them, comfort them, and seek to sooth their souls, as we know Jesus would. We share our spiritual journeys with them and invite them to share theirs with us. We learn together, and walk the path of life together. When they see the light shining, they ask us, "So why are you coming out here to our villages like this? It is very far, and the conditions of the roads and the weather are very difficult? Why do you care about us?"  Our hearts rejoice as God opens a door to His Gospel. Some choose life and hope, others remain. God's timing and God's leading are perfect, and we trust Him to bring spiritual life to the dry bones that we sometimes find in these villages. We praise God for the new church that He has sprung up in Nakiloro village! in just one day, 75 new believers came to follow Christ! We are now discipling them and they have started a new church! Please pray for them to stay strong despite the persecution that they get from others in the village.

The Jesus film has been a great
ministry. Most  villagers have never seen a film before, so they are enthralled that they can see and hear and experiene an event that took place far away. We have a small projector and speakers and a large white sheet that we stretch between trees (We always send Waffle to climb up these thorny, twisted acacias to tie the ropes up high!) In conjunction with the local churches, we lead the the people to understand what Christ has done for them, and how the Holy Spirit can transform their lives and bring them peace and joy. Those who chose to follow Jesus are put into discipleship groups and brought into the flock of a local church.

We praise God for the work of His Spirit among us here. May His presence illumine us. "The light of love shines in the darkness, and the Darkness has not overcome it. Let your light so shine that people will see your good deeds and glorify God in Heaven."


Church Planting

Over the COVID lockdown, we had the opportunity to visit the most remote villages of Moroto district, helping to teach about COVID prevention and providing encouragement, prayers and relief supplies to the communities. These communities got to see God's love in action during this time, and remarked how surprised they were that we were willing to come up to their place and share with them, despite the risks of COVID infection at that time. Over the months we were together, several of their leaders got saved, and asked us to begin churches in their villages. From that time, 6 new churches began, Kakingol, Nakiloro, Naput, Loolung, Nakabaat and Lomokori.  God has really been at work since that time and most of the churches are now thriving and growing.  Two of them, Nakabaat and Lomokori, have become extremely violent with armed warriors controlling the villages. We are not able to reach to these places at this time due to the insecuroty. Please pray for the doors to open again one day. Below are our "Pastors-in-Training" who are shepherding these small churches.




Through Chronological Bible Storying, we begin the process of discipling new believers, and spiritually inquisitive unbelievers. This is the PLANTING protion of our discipleship, putting the Bible into their minds and hearts.

Next, comes the WEEDING portion.  This is the opportunity for believers to learn how to distinguish between right and wrong, and to develop Godly character qualities.

Finally, comes the FRUITING portion. This is when the new believers are able to also share their spiritual lives with others, and develop life skills for continual spiritual growth and maturity.



Spiritual Growth Conferences

Come and help us!  Here is where we have lots of opportunities for short term groups to come and work with us.  Check out the options and come work with us for a time! We would love to have you come on a short term mission in Uganda.

Evangelism and Discipleship

Leadership Training for Pastors

Timothy Children Mentoring (Spiritual Retreat/VBS)

Bible Club mentoring

Marriage Conference for Pastors and Spouses

Branhamite and Cult Training

Alcoholic Recovery Ministry (Celebrate Recovery)

Do you think this may be where God is leading?  Read more on Short Term ministry here. Begin appllication and learn about the Short Term Ministry Process here.

Send us an Email if you are interested in a short term mission to help with these ministries.

Click here for more information about Short Term ministry with us.

Integrated Community Development Projects

Some people will never set foot in a church. They have no desire to associate with people in a church building. By integrating spiritual lessons in our development ministries in the villages, we meet new audiences and knock on doors that have never been accessible to the Gospel. We share Christ through poverty alleviation ministries, intertribal peace talks, creation care trainings, and in our mentoring of our sponsored children. There are many opportunities to demonstrate God's love and draw people to Him.

We have a Peace Ministry. In our hearts we know that True Peace comes from the True Prince of Peace. There is no contentment or solace apart from His Spirit. As we do peace building, we get a chance to share steps to Peace with God, steps to Peace with One Another, and steps to Peace with ourselves.

We have an Ethno-Vet ministry. In this ministry we do research and development on herbal medicines. Who are are the people who use herbal medicines in the villages?  It's the witchdoctors! As well as other traditional healers. These are people who would never come to church, but we can sit with them as their "medical colleagues" and share ideas and experiences. We see that our Creator made herbal medicines in the plants all around us, and He tells us in His word that we are to use them for His glory. As we discover these remedies, we are discovering God's grace and love for us. We share this hope with the healers, and draw them into a deeper understanding of their Creator.

We have a Children's ministry, we call the Timothy Education Project. Through this ministry, friends from the states sponsor poor and/or orphaned children in school, giving them a hope and a future. Many had been street children or orphaned through tribal warfare, experiencing so many horrors in their short lives. We come alongside with God's word to encourage, instruct, correct and train them in godly living. Many have no good role models in their lives, and look to the CLIDE staff as their parents and mentors. God's word, planted in their hearts and minds, will continue to bring fruit as they mature.


 The Bible is Now in the Karamojong Language!